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Energy Embodied in Inter-provincial Trade in China: from Perspective of Bilateral to Multilateral Trade
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TitleEnergy Embodied in Inter-provincial Trade in China: from Perspective of Bilateral to Multilateral Trade  
AuthorZhang Youguo  
OrganizationChinese Academy of Social Sciences, CASS 
Key Words Inter-provincial trade, embodied energy, bilateral trade, multilateral trade, input-output Analysis 
AbstractAnalyzing energy embodied in inter-regional is helpful for designing fair and efficient energy saving scheme and polices. We can use both the single-region input-output approach from the bilateral trade perspective and the multi-region input-output approach from the multilateral trade perspective to account the energy embodied in trade. This paper compares the two approaches analytically and uses both of them to analyze scale, flowing direction and composition of energy embodied in inter-provincial trade in China, energy terms of domestic trade of each province and effect of inter-provincial trade on total energy consumption in China. The empirical analysis shows that the results obtained with the two approaches are significantly different from and even reverse to each other. At last, this paper discusses policy implications of the two approaches with the results of empirical analysis. 
Serial NumberWP532 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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