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City size, Happiness and Spatial Optimization of Migration
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TitleCity size, Happiness and Spatial Optimization of Migration  
AuthorSun Sanbai,Huang Wei and Hong Junjie  
OrganizationUniversity of International Business and Economics;; 
Key WordsCity Size; Happiness; Spatial Rational of Migration  
AbstractBased on the micro-survey data of China, this paper using instrumental variable to analysis the relationship between city size and happiness. We found that happiness and population size of City area presents a U-shaped relationship, the lowest point of the U-shaped curve is about 300 million people. On personal and collective rationality, new immigrants from different provinces should take the behavioral pattern that all profit, or altruistic but not hurt themselves, or selfish but not hurt others, to enhance total happiness of residents in the city, while the city size expansion. New immigrants from own province or similar provinces could go to big cities in the provinces. But Chinese immigrants exhibit irrational phenomenon in geospatial now. So government needs to adopt appropriate measures to guide labors immigration rationally gradually, to form a better urban system, and improve the happiness of all residents. 
Serial NumberWP526 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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