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External Equilibrium Growth Rate: Evidence from China
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TitleExternal Equilibrium Growth Rate: Evidence from China  
AuthorWang Jinbin and Li Sha  
OrganizationSchool of Economics, Renmin University of China 
Key WordsExternal Balance; Trade Elasticity; Thirlwall Law; Growth Rat 
AbstractCan Chinese economy maintain the high growth rate when its external imbalance is disappearing? Based on the related researches, this paper uses the Augmented Balance of Payment Constrained Growth Model (ABPC) and more reliable methods to gauge the trade elasticities, and the results indicate that there is also deviation between the real GDP growth rate and estimation outcome. So we should use the ABPC model carefully in analyzing China’s situation. Using strong version of Thirlwall’s Law, when China's exterior tends to be the state of equilibrium, the Chinese economy growth rate is about two times than the growth rate of world economy. 
Serial NumberWP525 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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