Life-Cycle Bias and a Meta-Analysis of the Estimates about Returns to Education in China Read
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Title | Life-Cycle Bias and a Meta-Analysis of the Estimates about Returns to Education in China
Author | Yu Hongxia |
Organization | College of Education Administration, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University |
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Key Words | Returns to Education; Life-Cycle Bias; Lifetime Earnings; Meta-Analysis; Publication Bias |
Abstract | As the data of lifetime earnings is difficult to obtain, a common practice in the literature is applying current income instead of lifetime earnings, and life-cycle bias emerges because current income is not parallel to lifetime earnings. When we estimate the returns to education, the life-cycle bias may be a more serious problem than the endogenous bias on which researchers have paid much attention. This paper conducts a meta-analysis to investigate how life-cycle bias could influence the estimates of returns to education and their time tendency in China. The result suggests that life-cycle bias is serious and a large part of the growth of returns to education in China is due to sample average age growth caused by an aging population. |
Serial Number | WP524 |
Time | 2013-10-15 |