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Regional Distribution and Dynamics of Human Capital in China
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TitleRegional Distribution and Dynamics of Human Capital in China  
AuthorLi Haizheng, Jia Na, Zhang Xiaobei and Barbara Fraumeni  
OrganizationGeorgia Institute of Technology; Central University of Finance and Economics;Hunan University;University of Southern Maine;;; 
Key WordsHuman Capital; Human Capital Distribution; J-F Method; Living-cost Index 
AbstractIn this study, we modified the well-known Jorgenson-Fraumeni life-time income approach by incorporating the augmented Mincer model to fit the Chinese data in order to estimate human capital at provincial level in China. We also developed a living cost adjustment index to make the estimated human capital comparable across provinces. Based on this methodology, we estimated human capital from 1985 to 2009 for six provinces, which represent different development stages. The results show that Guangdong has the highest human capital stock, and Shanghai has the highest per capita human capital; while those measurements are much lower for the less-developed provinces Guizhou and Gansu. Our results provide a mapping of human capital across provinces and time, forming a panel data set of comprehensive human capital measurement for future studies. 
Serial NumberWP479 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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