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Regional Distribution of the Return to Education for Rural-to-Urban Migrants and Its Impact on Migration
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TitleRegional Distribution of the Return to Education for Rural-to-Urban Migrants and Its Impact on Migration  
AuthorXing Chunbing, Jia Shuyan and Li Shi  
OrganizationSchool of Economics and Management, Beijing Normal University;; 
Key WordsMigrant Workers; the Return to Education; Regional Discrepancy 
AbstractUsing a random sample from the 1% population survey of 2005 and the floating population dynamic monitoring survey data of 2011, this paper reveals the significant regional difference in the return to education of rural-to-urban migrants: the east and the rich cities’ are apparently higher than the central’s and western region’s. Comparing the results of the two years makes us get the conclusion that the overall return to education of floating population reduced, and the same to the regional discrepancy, which shows the characteristics of convergence to the mean. This paper further verifies that the result is not heavily shocked if we control the sample objects’ welfare condition and migration time. Further reducing barriers of the movement to migrant workers will support the potential energy of China's economic growth. 
Serial NumberWP478 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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