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Financial Stability and Monetary Policy Rule——A Simulation Based on the Impact of SMBs Survival Rate
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TitleFinancial Stability and Monetary Policy Rule——A Simulation Based on the Impact of SMBs Survival Rate  
AuthorHe Cong and Chen Yixi  
OrganizationHangzhou Provincial Capital Sub-Branch, People’s Bank of China; 
Key WordsMonetary Policy Rule; Financial Stability; SMBs Survival Rate; Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium  
AbstractThis paper extends the standard dynamic stochastic general model by using SMBs (Small and Micro businesses) survival rate as the indicator of financial stability. To this end, the model compares the effect of policies between traditional Taylor rule and the SMEs survival rate concerned rule, when encountering a significantly decreased of SMBs survival rate. The result shows that, the new augmented rule could smooth the output and ease the deflation more effectively than traditional Taylor rule. On the other hand, it may expand the amplitude of asset price. 
Serial NumberWP471 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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