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Regional Revitalization Strategies and the Industrial Spatial Structure Changes in China
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TitleRegional Revitalization Strategies and the Industrial Spatial Structure Changes in China  
AuthorHong Junjie, Liu Zhiqiang and Huang Wei  
OrganizationUniversity of International Business and Economics;Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture;; 
Key WordsAgglomeration; Industrial Spatial Distribution; Regional Revitalization Strategies 
AbstractThis paper uses the 1998-2997 China manufacturing census data and studies how the tax policy, transportation infrastructure and other regional revitalization strategies affect the industrial spatial structure. Statistical results show that the eastern region still has better road infrastructure and more preferential tax policy. Industrial companies are mainly concentrated in the eastern part, but have more slowly after 2004 the trend of the transfer to the central and western regions. Empirical results show that transport infrastructure and tax policies of industrial spatial distribution have a significant effect. Simulations show that if the tax rate decrease by 10% or per capita road area increase by 10% in less developed areas, the rate of local industrial output to all country output accounts for the proportion of about 1% and 0.65% higher respectively than now. Infrastructure and tax policy is different to the influence of dissimilar industries; tax policy affects a wider range of industries. Rise of central China strategy promotes in general, the inner provinces to absorb and to undertake the industrial transfer from the eastern coastal area, especially the labor-intensive industry. The western development strategy has a definite effect on promoting the development of resource - intensive industry in the region. The effect of the strategy of rejuvenating the northeast is weak. In order to realize the sustainable development of regional economic coordination, the government should be in taxes, infrastructure, etc to increase support to less developed areas. 
Serial NumberWP447 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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