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Political Achievement Demands of Local Government,Government Control Right and Corporate Value
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TitlePolitical Achievement Demands of Local Government,Government Control Right and Corporate Value  
AuthorLu Dong,Sun Yan, Zhou Wei and Yang Dang  
OrganizationSouthwestern University of Finance and Economics/ Peking University 
Key WordsState-Owned Enterprises; Political Achievement Demands; Government Control Right; Corporate Value 
AbstractUsing a sample of local state-owned listed company from 2004 to 2010, this paper examines difference among government controls of the state-owned enterprises under the political achievement demands. Meanwhile, it reveals the government decentralization is an important way to improve the efficiency of state-owned enterprises. This study finds that: (1) political achievement demands are important factors affecting government control of state-owned enterprises, such as the fiscal surplus, the economic growth rate and unemployment rate. And the different political achievement demand of government level has different influence on state-owned enterprises. (2) With the decline of government level (Province - City - County), the damage of government control to company value will decrease. Based on different political achievement demands, the low-level government will be better shareholders of state-owned enterprises and brings smaller damage to company value than the high-level government does. 
Serial NumberWP437 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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