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Research of Influence Factors of Carbon Emission Under Different Economic Growth Pattern
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TitleResearch of Influence Factors of Carbon Emission Under Different Economic Growth Pattern  
AuthorLu Wanbo, Chou Tingting and Du Lei  
OrganizationSchool of Statistics, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,, 
Key WordsEconomic Growth; Energy Consumption; Carbon Emissions; Economic Growth Pattern; Industrial Structure 
AbstractThe panel granger causality test is used to show that economic growth and energy consumption, economic growth and carbon emissions have two-way granger causality. The LMDI method is used to divide the carbon emissions into five periods and explore the main influencing factors of emissions under different way of economic growth. We find that: (1) For the "Low efficiency + low output" stage, on the one hand, it’s required to improve the production method, introduce advanced technology and develop clean energy, in order to improve the energy efficiency. On the other hand, it's also needed to keep the speed of the economic growth. (2) For the "Low efficiency and high yields" stage, it will be good to slow down the speed, and focus on efficiency improvement. (3) For the "High efficiency and low output" stage, production technology and clean technology should be developed, slowing down the development of high energy-consumption industry. The new clean energy should be explored so as to make the economic, energy and environment coordinately developed. (4) For the "High efficiency + high yield" stage, low carbon energy strategy must continue to be effectively implemented. 
Serial NumberWP407 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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