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Regional Income Inequality and Health: A Multilevel Analysis Using Hierarchical Linear Modeling
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TitleRegional Income Inequality and Health: A Multilevel Analysis Using Hierarchical Linear Modeling  
AuthorChen Chunjin and Li Shi  
OrganizationFaculty of Education, Beijing Normal University; Peabody College, Vanderbilt University; School of Economic and Business Administration, Beijing Normal University, 
Key WordsRegional Income Inequality; Health Inequality; Income Inequality Hypothesis; Multilevel Modeling 
AbstractThe health status of labor population is one of the most important factors in economic development. It is not only influent by regional economic growth, but also bound by the regional income disparity. To examine the impact of regional income inequality on labor workers’ health, this study using the China Health and Nutrition Survey data from the period 1991 to 2009 with multilevel modeling. The finding that regional income inequality accounted for the whole health inequality variation was about 3% to 8%. The negative effects of rising income inequality on workers’ health were mainly display in the higher income inequality regions, and the low-income groups health status were more vulnerable to be affected by wage inequality. 
Serial NumberWP398 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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