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Emotions Mechanism and Public Goods Game:An Experimental Research Based on Social Capital
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TitleEmotions Mechanism and Public Goods Game:An Experimental Research Based on Social Capital  
AuthorWang Xiao and WU WeiJiong  
OrganizationSchool of Management, Jinan University; 
Key WordsSocial Capital; Self-conscious Emotions; Public Goods; Free Fide; Emotions Governance.  
AbstractBased on relative theories, this paper shows some influencing factors which have effect on the cooperative decision-making in economic activities. The first purpose of this study is to test the effect of social capital governance with experiment. With the theory of social capital, it hypothesis that social capital can motivate the members to cooperate with each other. However, previous researches mainly adopted survey method. This study aim at extending the current study with experiment. A second purpose of this study is to explore the effect of self-conscious emotions on economic decision-making. Accumulating evidence suggests that emotions has impact on decision-making, but literature of Public goods and Corporation governance seldom referred to emotions, especially if it was self-conscious emotion. By linking the Public goods and Corporation governance literature with this emotion literature, it provide a rigorous demonstration of the role of self-conscious emotion in governance literature. The third purpose of this study is to combine Chinese indigenous social capital theory with Conservation of Resource Theory and Somatic Mark Theory. It proposes that: (1)Behavioral governance incorporates two dimensions, such as resource conserved governance(i.e., object resource; energy resource; personal resource; condition resource) and resource lost governance; (2)Positive self-conscious emotions are evoked by resource conserved governance, whereas, resource lost governance caused negative self-conscious emotions; (3)Positive self-conscious emotions act as encouraged signal related to positive past memory and facilitate interpersonal trust for cooperative decision-making, however, negative self-conscious emotions are regarded as warning signal related to negative past memory and stimulate the social norm consciousness for cooperative decision-making. Through Cyberball experiment which evokes emotions and public goods game, data is collected from 32 subjects, who are undergraduate students from many Universities in Guangzhou but embodies the future of human group. The result showed that (1) players in friend network had less Free Ride Index than those in stranger network; (2)By resource conserved and lost governances, the social capital effects on cooperative decision-making were partially mediated by positive self-conscious emotions(i.e., pride) and negative self-conscious emotions(i.e., embarrass and low self-esteem). Limitations and future research directions are discussed. 
Serial NumberWP384 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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