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Religious Tradition and Corporate Governance
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TitleReligious Tradition and Corporate Governance  
AuthorChen Donghua, Hu Xiaoli, Liang Shangkun, Xinfu  
OrganizationSchool of Business, Nanjing University 
Key WordsInformal Rules; Religious Tradition; Corporate Governance 
AbstractAs for the lack of research on the informal institutions, this paper aims at the effect of religions on the corporate governance. We find that the quality of corporate governance is better in regions which have more religion traditions than other regions. Specifically, firms in regions with better religion traditions have less likely violated the accounting law or GAAP, and less likely to receive the unqualified audit opinion. There is the effect of religion to mitigate the incentive to manipulate the earnings, more specifically, to restrain the earnings management using the non-recurring profit and loss. This paper can help us to better understand how the corporate governance has been changed under the different informal institutions, mainly religions. 
Serial NumberWP381 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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