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Effect of Foreign Trade Structure Change to Energy Consumption of China
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TitleEffect of Foreign Trade Structure Change to Energy Consumption of China  
AuthorZhou Shen, Li Keai and Ren Xili  
OrganizationNankai University,, 
Key WordsTrade Structure; Energy Consumption; Input-output Method; Two Polar Decompositions 
AbstractThis paper makes a systematic study on the energy consumption effect of China’s industrial trade structure change. First,a theoretical model is established to analyze how trade structure change can influence energy consumption. Then input-out put method and two polar decompositions are used to make empirical study on the energy consumption effect of China’s industrial trade structure change from 1998 to 2009. All the industrial sub-sectors are divided into energy intensive industries and non-energy intensive industries. We calculate the energy consumption influence of trade development, break down the energy consumption effects of foreign trade structural factors into energy consumption effects of trade structure change, physical volume change of energy consumption per total output and input-output coefficient change, and further analyze the energy consumption effects of foreign trade structural factors. The results show that during the study period, before 2007 when energy-saving export polices were implemented, foreign trade structure change is not conductive to reduce energy consumption totally. After 2007, foreign trade structure begins to change in a direction of reducing energy consumption. 
Serial NumberWP379 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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