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Population Aging and The Growth of Health Care Expenditure: An Empirical Study of The Age Neutrality Hypothesis
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TitlePopulation Aging and The Growth of Health Care Expenditure: An Empirical Study of The Age Neutrality Hypothesis  
AuthorWang Xun and Liu Guanbin  
OrganizationDongbei University of Finance and Economics; 
Key WordsAging; Health Care Expenditure; Age; The Remaining Time to Death 
Abstract The demand for health service increases with age, which makes age positive-correlated with health care expenditure. Therefore, aging population is considered as the main reason for the increase of total health care expenditure, which makes the health care system hard to proceed. However, the Age Neutrality Hypothesis holds the view that aging population is not the reason for the increase of health care expenditure. Instead, health care expenditure mostly depends on the remaining time to death. This paper analyses the health care expenditure of Chinese citizens based on the health care data of China to test the Age Neutrality Hypothesis, thus providing a foundation for the reform of health care system. We have found that the Age Neutrality Hypothesis is supported by the micro data of China, but the influence of remaining time to death on health care expenditure is both complicated and restricted. 
Serial NumberWP372 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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