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The Evolution ,Trend and Cause of Consumption Inequality in China: Evidence from 1992-2010
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TitleThe Evolution ,Trend and Cause of Consumption Inequality in China: Evidence from 1992-2010  
AuthorYang Jidong  
OrganizationRenmin University Of China 
Key WordsEconomic Welfare; Consumption Inequality; Permanent Income; Temporary Income 
AbstractConsumption inequality is an important indicator to measure people's living standard. It is an interesting problem to explore the unequal status and the reasons for understanding the economic welfare inequality. Based on the survey data, the paper examines the historical evolution, trends and causes of consumption inequality IN China. The results show that: China's household consumption inequality increased year by year since 1992 .The average degree of inequality between the cultural and recreational services to consumer and transport communications consumption is rising, household equipment and services, and health care consumption inequality arise downward trend. By the decomposition of the income gap, I find that temporary income gap has an important influence on consumption inequality, suggesting that should further improve the credit markets and government support, to smooth the impact of temporary fluctuations. 
Serial NumberWP359 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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