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Housing Institution Reform, Liquidity Constrain and Entrepreneurship Choice
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TitleHousing Institution Reform, Liquidity Constrain and Entrepreneurship Choice  
AuthorZhou Jingkui and Huang Zhengxue  
OrganizationEconomic Institution of Nankai University; Institute of Spatial Development and Regional Economy National Development and Reform Commission P.R.C; 
Key WordsHousing Institution Reform; Liquidity Constrain; Entrepreneurship Choice; Heckman Model 
AbstractBased on a stochastic model, this paper empirically analyses the effects of housing institution reform on entrepreneurship using Chinese urban survey data. The results show housing institution reform increases the entrepreneurship rate of workers through decreasing liquidity constrain, and the short-term effect of hosing institution reform goes with the long-term effect; the effects of housing institution reform on workers who have senior professional skill, work in a government department, have a middle professional title are higher than other type of family in the entrepreneurship rate; the housing institution reform does not affect the current family income which household head entries into the entrepreneurship, but the family long-term income is suffered the positive effect of housing institution reform. 
Serial NumberWP342 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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