Urban bias thesis: Background, research process and its arguments Read
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Title | Urban bias thesis: Background, research process and its arguments
Author | Wang Songji, Bai Yongxiu |
Organization | School of Economics and Management, Northwest University |
Email | wangsongji@yahoo.com.cn,yongxiubai@yahoo.com.cn |
Key Words | Urban Bias Thesis; the Urban-industrial Developmentalism; Interest Groups; Price Twists; Public Expenditure |
Abstract | This paper systematically reviews the background, the research process and its arguments about the urban bias thesis, and reviews the domestic academic research on Chinese urban bias. The urban bias thesis reflects the process of the urban-industrial developmentalism. It provides an effective framework for the analysis of the urban-rural relationship in Third World countries, and also arouses a lot of researches and debates. In the first phase, the core topic of urban bias thesis is price twists in the developing countries. In the second phase, the core topic of urban bias thesis is the deterioration in the field of distribution. This paper argues that, the urban bias in developing countries is the inevitable result of conducting the urban-industrial developmental strategy, and also has a strong relationship with the special political structures in developing countries. Much further researches are needed in academia about how to explain the continuation and solidification of urban bias since China’s reform and opening up. |
Serial Number | WP315 |
Time | 2012-08-06 |