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Rent-Seeking and the Breakthrough Enterprises Achieved in Industry Barries—— the evidences from the Chinese listed enterpr
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TitleRent-Seeking and the Breakthrough Enterprises Achieved in Industry Barries—— the evidences from the Chinese listed enterpr  
AuthorLuo Danglun and Zhao Cong  
Key WordsBarriers to entry;government regulation, barriers to entry, the degree of marketization 
Abstractrises which enjoy excess profits, so that those potential to enter the government regulated industry are eager to join in and share a part of the excess profits. Then, what influenced the breakthrough of industry barriers the enterprises achieved? This paper based on the sectional interest theory of regulation, and we collected the Chinese listed companies from 2005 to 2009 as samples. We came to a conclusion that the stronger an enterprise's rent-seeking ability is, specifically when the enterprise is state-owned or the more state-owned equity the enterprise has, it's more likely to enter the industry with a high industry barrier, the stronger enterprises’ political relationship is, the more possibly these enterprises enter into industries of high barriers to entry. Also, the development level of the market in the area where an enterprise is seated, has a significant influence on its breakthrough of the barriers. The research of the paper shows, although in recent years the state promulgated a number of regulations to encourage free entry into industry, the" The hand of the government" is still a key factar to influence enterprises to make a breakthrough in industry barriers, which is worth drawing lessons for relevent departments when making industry policies. 
Serial NumberWP306 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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