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Marketization of Banking System, Allocation of Credit and Industry Restructuring
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TitleMarketization of Banking System, Allocation of Credit and Industry Restructuring  
AuthorJian Ze, Gan Chunhui and Yu Dianfan  
OrganizationTongji University; Shanghai University of Finance and Economics;; 
Key WordsChange of Banking System; Allocation of Credit; Industrial Restructuring 
AbstractUtilizing a natural experiment, this paper investigates how the reform of the banking system affected the restructuring. At the firm level, we find that market-based allocation of credit promoted the adjustment of firm's scale, the lowering of cost , innovation and the improvement of performance. At the industry level, we observe that market-oriented reform of the banking system stimulated large scale entry-exit and reallocation of resource across firms. These findings suggest that the marketization of the allocation of credit induces the restructuring of firms and industries. Thus, further deregulation of entry of banking systems as well as promoting market-based allocation of credit will push forward the restructuring of the real economy and improvement of the real economy 
Serial NumberWP291 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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