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Fertility-Control Policy, Labor Force Structure and Economic Growth
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TitleFertility-Control Policy, Labor Force Structure and Economic Growth  
AuthorGuo Kaiming, Yu Jingwen and Gong Liutang  
OrganizationGuanghua School of Management, Peking University,, 
Key WordsFertility-Control Policy; Labor Force Structure; Economic Growth 
AbstractThis paper studies the effect of fertility-control policy on economic growth when the labor force structure is endogenous. Under assumptions of capital-skill complementarity and knowledge externality, the match between capital and labor is critical. When the productivity difference is small or the elasticity of substitution is large between skilled and unskilled labor, capital-skill ratio and growth rate will increase if the restriction on fertility is relaxed. Moreover, the expectation on the skill premium matters when there is skill-biased technical change. 
Serial NumberWP287 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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