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Performance of Officials and the Promotion Tournament——Evidence from Chinese Cities
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TitlePerformance of Officials and the Promotion Tournament——Evidence from Chinese Cities  
AuthorYao Yang, Zhang Muyang  
OrganizationPeking University; 
Key WordsLocal Leaders; Economic Performance; Promotion Tournament 
Abstract This paper studies the role of subnational leaders in economic growth using city-leader pair data collected from 241 cities in China’s 18 provinces for the period 1994-2008. A unique feature of China’s institutional arrangements is that local leaders are often moved from one city to another. This allows us to compare leaders across cities. Two alternative specifications are adopted and both find that leaders matter for local economic growth. Further exploration shows that our sample does not suffer from biased attrition and our estimates of the leader effects are robust to transitory shocks and are not affected by nonrandom moves of leaders. Using the leaders’ personal effects estimated from our test, we find that more capable leaders are more likely to get promoted although their chances are nuanced by their ages. We also find that local economic growth is not a good predictor for promotion after leaders’ personal effects are controlled. 
Serial NumberWP262 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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