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Title:“Borrowing Money or Printing Money?”----Dollar Liquidity and Proof of Triffin Dilemma
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TitleTitle:“Borrowing Money or Printing Money?”----Dollar Liquidity and Proof of Triffin Dilemma  
AuthorYao Yudong and Tang Xinyu  
OrganizationMonetary Policy Department and Monetary Policy Department II, the People’s Bank of China,Beijing 100800, 
Key WordsInternational Liqiduity, Polak Model, Triffin Dilemma 
AbstractFacing long-term current account deficit, United States rely heavily on its capital account surplus to "borrow money" and BOP gap to "print money". This paper, by providing a Polak-type (1957) model of overseas dollar-liquidity-providing by U.S. BOP gap and foreign exchange reserve receiving countries’ overall-liquidity-providing by U.S. capital account financing, indicating that U.S. domestic economic situation and macroeconomic policies not only dominate the overseas dollar liquidity supply, but also dominate the domestic liquidity of foreign exchange reserve receiving countries. U.S internal monetary policy has strong externalities or spillover effects, and in fact become the world's central banks. This article also gives a theoretical proof of "Triffin Dilemma". 
Serial NumberWP260 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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