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A Revisit of “Curse of Natural Resources” Hypothesis: An Approach Based on Endogeneity
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TitleA Revisit of “Curse of Natural Resources” Hypothesis: An Approach Based on Endogeneity  
AuthorZhang Derong Yang Hui Lu Yunhang  
OrganizationSchool of Economics, Xiamen University,School of Public Administration, Shandong University of Finance and Economics,School of Economics, Zhejiang Gongshang University 
Key WordsCurse of Resources; Endogeneity; Transmission Channel 
AbstractMany empirical studies focused on “the curse of natural resources” have been implemented, most of which confirm this hypothesis. But our simulation shows that the endogeneity of the independent variable can cause serious estimation bias, which calls for a more serious treatment of this problem. After a discussion of three kinds of endogeneity that may exist in the empirical studies, we implement an empirical study concerning the relationship between energy abundance and economic growth using the Chinese data in the provincial level. The results show that energy abundance has a very significant positive effect on economic growth in China and part of this effect is passed through fixed capital investment. 
Serial NumberWP252 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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