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The Credibility Revolution in Applied Econometric Research
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TitleThe Credibility Revolution in Applied Econometric Research  
AuthorWang Meijin and Lin Jianhao  
OrganizationLingnan College, Sun Yat-Sen University, 
Key WordsCredibility Revolution; Stochastic Specification; Identification of Causal Effect; Statistical Adequacy 
AbstractThe credibility of applied econometrics is an important issue, and its core lies in the scientific combination of economic theory, statistics with mathematics. Based on the three focused discussions among econometricians, this paper clarifies the essence of the econometric way of exploring real economic world. In China, the abuse and misuse of econometric method in empirical work has attracted wide attention. We elaborate three sources of the credibility: the stochastic specification, identification of causal effect among economic variables and the evaluation on statistical adequacy. To improve the credibility of the applied econometric studies, we need to draw upon the achievements of the credibility revolution and change the modes of research and teaching. 
Serial NumberWP242 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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