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Transaction Efficiency,the Evolution of Labour Division and the Transform Tendency of Dual Trade Structure
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TitleTransaction Efficiency,the Evolution of Labour Division and the Transform Tendency of Dual Trade Structure  
AuthorZhao Jingfeng and Wang Zhixin  
OrganizationNorthwest University; 
Key WordsDual Trade Structure; Transform Tendency; Transaction Efficiency; Evolution of Labor Division 
AbstractThrough indirect pricing theory and the margin comparison static global equilibrium analysis methods of the new classical economics,this paper establishes a new classical economics model.The results shows that with the improvement of trade efficiency and the continuous evolution of the division labor organization, dual trade structure turns into performance for professional process from organization form angle,performance for the process of service from internal form angle, performance for agglomeration from space form angle. So, we can interpret dual trade structure in the organization ,connotation and space three dimension logically.Further, we prove that the trade efficiency,which depend on profit of division labour and transaction costs, is the core power of driving the evolution of labor division and the organization replacement. 
Serial NumberWP232 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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