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Inequality of Opportunity and Subjective Well-being:Evidence from China
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TitleInequality of Opportunity and Subjective Well-being:Evidence from China  
AuthorPan Chunyanga and He Lixin  
OrganizationBusiness School, East China University of Science & Technology;School of Economics, Fudan University, 
Key WordsOpportunity Inequality; Income Inequality; Subjective Wellbeing; Easterlin Paradox; 
AbstractThis paper aims to explain China’s Easterlin Paradox from the perspective of opportunity inequality. By using the micro-level data of CGSS (2003, 2005, 2006) and the method of measuring opportunity inequality proposed by Ferreira & Gignoux (2011), this paper decomposes the total income inequality of China’s provinces into two parts: “opportunity inequality” and “effort inequality”, so as to investigate their different impacts on peoples’ subjective wellbeing. It shows that: firstly, opportunity inequality has a significantly negative impact on peoples’ happiness. Secondly, the impact of “effort inequality” is not significant. Thirdly, the total income inequality has a significantly negative impact on peoples’ happiness. Fourthly, opportunity inequality has heterogeneous impacts on the happiness of different social groups; it causes more serious hurts on the happiness of low-income group, rural Hukou holders, non-CPC members and low-education people. These results together suggest that: to protect and promote the social opportunity equality is an essential policy in order to enhance people’ happiness. Also, this paper provides a new perspective in understanding the association between income inequality and subjective wellbeing. 
Serial NumberWP225 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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