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the New Development of Experimental Economics——Field Experiments
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Titlethe New Development of Experimental Economics——Field Experiments  
AuthorLuo Jun  
OrganizationCollege of Economics and Interdisciplinary Center for Social Sciences, Zhejiang University 
Key WordsExperimental Economics;Laboratory Experiments;Field Experiments;Chinese Context 
AbstractWith the growing pursuit for scientific disciplines in economy, laboratory experiments in experimental economics has become an important research method of the mainstream economy. However, because laboratory experiments alienated from the real world, its results in the external validity is being questioned. So field experiments was beginning to become an effective supplement of laboratory experiments and rise for its empirical and realistic, this article described the history of field experiments in economics research and its classification, and according to the classification, field experiments examples about pro-social behavior are reviewed. Finally, the paper discussed the limitations of field experiments and the study of field experiments in the Chinese context. 
Serial NumberWP200 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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