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The Wealth Structure and Stainable Development in China
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TitleThe Wealth Structure and Stainable Development in China  
AuthorHuang Liangxiong and Cai Guowei  
OrganizationLingnan College of Sun Yat-sen University, 
Key WordsWealth Structure;Produced Capital;Natural Capital;Intangible Capital;Stainable Development 
AbstractWealth structure and regional development are inseparable. Transformation of economic development by adjusting wealth structure legitimately is one of the alternative paths to realize sustainable development. This paper accounts the wealth and its composition of 28 provinces in China from 1997 to 2009.We find that the produced capital increases most quickly and its regional difference is decreasing, while the regional differences of natural capital and intangible capital are expanding. On this basis, this paper empirical analyzes the effect of wealth structure to sustainable development through economic growth and environmental pollution. The results show that increasing proportion of produced capital can improve current period of economic growth significantly, but its long-term effect is weak, and it increases emissions and deteriorate the environment. Compared to produced capital and natural capital, increasing proportion of intangible capital can bring greater long-term effect of economic growth, and can reduce emissions effectively. To achieve sustainable development, local governments should promote optimal adjustment of wealth structure, and avoid short-sighted behavior, pay more attention to intangible capital construction. 
Serial NumberWP198 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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