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Evaluation of Low Carbon Transformation Process in China: Provincial Perspective
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TitleEvaluation of Low Carbon Transformation Process in China: Provincial Perspective  
AuthorChen Shiyi  
OrganizationChina Center for Economic Studies, Fudan University 
Key WordsLow Carbon Economic Transformation; Dynamic Evaluation Index; Regional Course; Forecasting; Energy and Environmental Policy 
AbstractBased on SBM-DDF-AAM theoretical mechanism, this paper builds the dynamic index to evaluate the low carbon economic transformation of Chinese provinces since the reform. The measurement indicates that Chinese low carbon transformation underwent terrible development during 1986 -1990 and the beginning of this century and performed well in 1990s and currently. The evaluation index of low carbon transformation produced from economic model take both the growth quality and speed into account and can be employed as the more appropriate alternative of conventional GDP criterion. The heterogeneity and inconsistency of evaluated index for each province revealed that Chinese low carbon transformation is still during the unstable early stage and specific energy and environmental policies should be implemented to support the long-run process of great transformation in China. 
Serial NumberWP195 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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