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Does the Environmental Regulation Affect Chinese Industries’ Profits?
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TitleDoes the Environmental Regulation Affect Chinese Industries’ Profits?  
AuthorLi Xiaoping Lu Xianxian and Tao Xiaoqing  
OrganizationZhongnan University of Economics and Law 
Key WordsEnvironmental Regulation; Profits ; International Competitiveness. 
AbstractEnvironmental regulation is one important reason of affecting one country’s competitiveness. How does environmental regulation affect China industrial profits? The paper constructs the model which one country’s optimal environmental regulation policies affects its industry profits , and using the indexes measuring environmental regulation, we analyses how the variables such as environmental regulation influence on China industries’ profits empirically. We found that when there is incomplete information and the incentive compatible constraint conditions, a government will be implemented strict environmental regulation, strict environmental regulation will improve its enterprise’s profitability. 
Serial NumberWP170 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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