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The Effects of Mis-allocationality Economies and Diseconomies of Agglomeration on China Economy
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TitleThe Effects of Mis-allocationality Economies and Diseconomies of Agglomeration on China Economy  
AuthorFan Hongzhong  
OrganizationSchool of Economics,Huazhong University of Science and Technology 
Key Words Mis-allocationality; Agglomeration Economies; Agglomeration Diseconomies 
AbstractThe assumption of homo-allocation of economies and diseconomies of agglomeration is reasonable only in perfect market. In China’s real market, the firms in large cities get the benefits of agglomeration economies, but don’t pay for the costs of agglomeration diseconomies, which are suffered by the workers who don’t get the agglomeration economies. This mis-allocationality causes market failure and macro-problems of China economy such as income gap, high price of house, low ratio labor income in GDP, intra and inter economic dis-balance. 
Serial NumberWP150 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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