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The Trade Effects of Revealed Comparative Advantage and US Antidumping Actions against Chinese Products: An Empirical Rese
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TitleThe Trade Effects of Revealed Comparative Advantage and US Antidumping Actions against Chinese Products: An Empirical Rese  
AuthorShen Guobing  
OrganizationInstitute of World Economy, Fudan University 
Key WordsRevealed Comparative Advantage; US Antidumping Actions; China; Trade Effects 
AbstractIs revealed comparative advantage (RCA) becoming an original sin of Chinese products suffered frequently from US antidumping (AD) actions? What trade effect does the interaction between RCA and US AD actions against Chinese products produce? Based on the 97 filed products of US AD actions against China between 1996 and 2009, the findings shows that first, the products of US AD actions against China are mostly converged on the filed products with remarkable comparative advantages for China. However, binary choice model proves that RCA intensity is not at all an original sin of Chinese products suffered frequently from US AD actions, whereas the US-China trade deficit of the filed products is real inducement dominating US AD actions against Chinese products. Moreover, the US subprime crisis exogenously aggravates the strength of US AD actions against China. Second, US AD investigations against Chinese products produce significant adverse trade investigation effects; US high preliminary AD duty rate produces the adverse trade restriction effects; the decrease in US imports from Chinese filed products, created by US AD actions against China, is covered by the increase in US imports, caused by the RCA of Chinese products, from Chinese filed products. As a result, the interaction between RCA and US AD actions against Chinese products gives rise to positive trade effect on US imports from Chinese filed products. This proves that RCA intensity can promote Sino-US bilateral trade.  
Serial NumberWP137 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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