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Relevant Market Definition from Economic Perspective:An Overview
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TitleRelevant Market Definition from Economic Perspective:An Overview  
AuthorHuang Kun  
OrganizationSchool of Economics and Business Administration, North China University of Technology 
Key WordsRelevant Market Definition; Hypothetical Monopolist Test; Critical Loss Analysis; Price Correlation Test; Shipment Test 
AbstractRelevant Market Definition is the key issue in antitrust area. The paper reviews the methods of defining relevant market systematically from economic perspective, and classifies them into three groups: (1) the methods which are used in many early cases, including the idea of cross-elasticities of demand, “reasonable interchangeability” test, “peculiar characteristics and uses” test and cluster markets etc; (2) HMT and its implementing methods, including critical loss analysis, critical elasticity analysis, diversion rate analysis, residual demand analysis and opportunity cost method; (3) the methods which are based on arbitrage theory, including price correlation test and shipment test. The paper has two purposes: one is helping parties concerned understand and use these methods properly; the other is improving Guidelines on Relevant Market Definition. 
Serial NumberWP133 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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