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The Rotation and Tenures Limits of Chinese Governors:
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TitleThe Rotation and Tenures Limits of Chinese Governors:  
AuthorChen Gang and Li Shu  
OrganizationSouthwest University of Political Science and Law 
Key WordsRotation; Tenure; Anti-corruption 
AbstractThe economic academic papers increasingly stress the governors’ influence in the development of Chinese economic phenomena, and the successful inspiriting to them is considered to be the key of economic transition. It has been extensively investigated that the inspiriting of local governors can promote economic growth , however, their impact of anti-corruption is ignored. This paper investigates the impact of the rotation and tenures limits of Chinese governors on anti-corruption based on the rotation of local governors from 1998 to 2009. We find that the rotation of local governors significantly decreases corruption in destinations, and the rotation between provinces is more effective than between central and provincial institutions, meanwhile, the relationship of the tenures of local governors and corruption is a U-shaped relation. Our findings are robust, even the criterion of the rotational governors and tenures changed. 
Serial NumberWP107 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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