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Technological Progress and Regional Economic Development:Effects Based on Primary and Secondary Education
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TitleTechnological Progress and Regional Economic Development:Effects Based on Primary and Secondary Education  
AuthorHuang Yanping and Liu Yu  
OrganizationDepartment of Economics, Center for Macroeconomic Research, Xiamen University, 
Key WordsRegional Economic Difference; Technological Innovation and Imitation; Primary and Secondary Education; Human Capital 
AbstractIn the framework of endogenous growth theory, by applying the panel data analysis, this paper focuses on the effects of different levels of education on Chinese economic growth and regional economic development difference through the special specification of aggregated production function and the technological innovation and imitation function. The empirical results show that education has significant effects on the economic growth. However, primary education and secondary education play different roles. Primary education contributes mainly to production of final output, while secondary education contributes to technological innovation and then improvement of TFP. In addition, to promote economic growth, enhancing higher education plays a more significant role in the central and western than in the eastern. Finally, to achieve the coordinated development between education and economy, the policy suggestions are made, such as, priority to universal primary education and a comprehensive efforts to expand vocational education. 
Serial NumberWP96 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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