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Brain Outflow and China’s Technology Innovation:Power or Obstruction?
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TitleBrain Outflow and China’s Technology Innovation:Power or Obstruction?  
AuthorPing Li, Jiayun Xu and Qingchang Zhang  
OrganizationSchool of Business, Shandong University of Technology;Institute of International Economics, Nankai University;; 
Key WordsBrain Outflow; Human Capital; Technology Innovation 
AbstractThis paper is a contribution to a new line of theory which argues that brain outflow is not always a bad thing to the source country. With the assumption of workers’ heterogeneous talents, this paper analyses the effects of brain outflow on technology innovation by introducing the brain outflow into the innovation function within the framework of an open economy. Furthermore, by constructing the indicator of brain outflow, we test the effects of brain outflow on innovation by using Chinese provincial panel data. The results show that: The relationship between brain outflow and technological innovation were among the “hump-shaped” feature. The level of brain outflow in most areas of China is in the ascending limb of the “hump” that could be helpful for technological innovation, so further encouraging the international mobility of talents is of great significance to enhance China’s technological innovation capability. 
Serial NumberWP94 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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