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Dynamic Inflation Target and China’s Economic Fluctuation
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TitleDynamic Inflation Target and China’s Economic Fluctuation  
AuthorJian Zhihong and Li Shuang  
OrganizationSchool of Economics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,  
Key WordsDynamic Inflation Target; Economic Fluctuation; Money Supply Rule  
AbstractThis paper constructs a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model to analyze China’s monetary policy in a New Keynesian framework. A dynamic inflation target is introduced to investigate how consumer’s demand shock, productivity shock, money supply shock and inflation target shock influence China’s economic fluctuations. The empirical evidence supports the assumption that China’s monetary policy has a dynamic endogenous inflation target which could stabilize inflation. The inflation target responds positively to the productivity shock and negatively to the consumer’s demand shock. It shows that money supply shock lead to a transitory increase in output, whereas productivity shock permanently raises the level of output. In addition, the consumer’s demand shock has permanent effects on consumption, money supply and inflation but temporary effects on other endogenous variables.  
Serial NumberWP56 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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