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Fight against “Triffin Dilemma”
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TitleFight against “Triffin Dilemma”  
AuthorChen Jianqi  
OrganizationCCER Peking University  
Key WordsCredit-Based National Currency; International Monetary System; International Reserve Asset; Triffin Dilemma  
AbstractThis paper focused on the relationship between the evolution of the international monetary system and the stability of the credit-based national currencies as international reserve currencies. And we found some meaningful result. Firstly, we found ,in the bretton woods system, that the growth rate of the gold reserve and the yield of the dollar were main factors influencing the stability of the dollar reserve asset and the problem of triffin dilemma. Secondly, we found, in the current international monetary system, that the real economic growth rate and the inflation rate and the yield of the dollar were important factors affecting the stability of the credit-based national currencies as international reserve currencies. Finally, We drew the conclusions from the empirical study that the collapsion of the bretton woods as result of the dollar reserve crisis could not be averted. When it comes to the stability of the dollar reserve asset in current international monetary system, we found that United States had not adapted to the sustainable condition and the stability of the dollar reserve asset could not be guaranteed. Lastly, we analyzed the measure in order to implement the stability of the reserve.  
Serial NumberWP52 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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