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Tax Revenue Structure, Economic Growth and Efficiency Losses
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TitleTax Revenue Structure, Economic Growth and Efficiency Losses  
AuthorChang Shiwang and Han Renyue  
OrganizationChang Shiwang and Han Renyue 
Key WordsTax Revenue Structure; Economic Growth; Efficiency Losses 
AbstractThis article employed parametric and nonparametric methods comprehensively to measure the impact of tax structures to economic growth. Results showed that: there is tax receipts structure with economic growth in different areas. The local government is unable to restructure the revenue because of the same tax design, high concentration of taxes rights and unstable tax rules. From the microscopic level, the loss of efficiency results from high enterprise income tax or low individual income tax. Therefore, it is helpful to the policy implement, tax structure improvement, economic restructuring and economic growth.  
Serial NumberWP51 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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