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Theoretical Logic and Sinicization of the Consumption Function: A Survey of Literature
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TitleTheoretical Logic and Sinicization of the Consumption Function: A Survey of Literature  
AuthorZhu Xinkai and Luo Chen  
OrganizationSchool of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Renmin University of China;  
Key WordsConsumption Function; Theoretical Logic; Sinicization; Literature Review 
AbstractThe consumption function theory is a most important theory in the western economics. Originated from the Marxist Political Economics, China's traditional consumption theory is different from the western at the very beginning. It was not until the 1990s did the consumption function become widely studied. During the past decade, in order to better achieve the expansion of consumer demands and the establishment of a virtuous national economic cycle, scholars have made an unprecedented breakthrough in the sinicization of the theory. This paper focuses on the consumption function, tries to reveal the internal logic of the theoretical development chronically, analyzes main problems and paradoxes when macro-studies are looking for micro-supports, and comes up with adjustments for sinicization. Based on the above literature review, the paper concludes with several points of the epistemology for China's consumer economics.  
Serial NumberWP24 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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