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Inter-industry Technology Spillover Effects in China:Evidence from 35 industry sectors
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TitleInter-industry Technology Spillover Effects in China:Evidence from 35 industry sectors  
AuthorPan Wenqing, Li Zinai and Liu Qiang  
OrganizationSchool of Economics, Tsinghua University;  
Key WordsIndustries’ Similarity; Technology Spillover; Indirect R&D; Panel Data Model  
AbstractBased on the IO table of year 1997, 2002 and 2007, this paper calculate the industries’ similarity matrix and conceive a new variable measuring the inter-industry technology spillover. Using a sample of 35 industries ranging from 1997 to 2008 and by incorporating the newly conceived variable into the production function, we focus on the analysis of inter-industry spillover effects on the productivity of industries. The empirical analysis shows that inter-industry technology spillover has a significantly positive impact on the productivity of each industry. The marginal effect of technology spillover on industry’s productivity is 0.294, which is larger than that of the direct R&D. The scrolling-regression with fixed window width also shows the expand trend of the inter-industry spillover effects. What’s more, after analyzing the four clustering industries, we found that the inter-industry spillover effects within the same cluster were much stronger than the spillover effect between different clusters.  
Serial NumberWP23 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Copyright Economic Research Journal
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