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Industry Characteristics, International Payments and Financial Crisis Deepness
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TitleIndustry Characteristics, International Payments and Financial Crisis Deepness  
AuthorHan Liyan;Xie Fei;Hu Ying  
OrganizationSchool of Economics and Management, Beihang University,,  
Key WordsFinancial Crisis Degree;Economic Structure;Industry Scale;Balance of International Payments;International Trade Dependence  
AbstractAimed at the financial storm of the year 2007-2008, this article chooses 34 countries around the world, and classifies them into two categories, seriously lost countries and slightly lost countries. We analyze the relationship between the degree to which a country got involved into financial crisis and the following three variables, which are industrial added value/GDP, net adjusted value of capital and finance account / GDP and absolute value of net exports of goods trade in current account / GDP by using logit binary choice pool data model. The empirical results show that the variable industrial added value /GDP is significantly negatively related to the financial crisis degree, whereas the other two variables are significantly positive related to financial crisis degree.  
Serial NumberWP6 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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