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A Sequential-Separated Monetary Economy and the Nature of Its General Equilibrium
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TitleA Sequential-Separated Monetary Economy and the Nature of Its General Equilibrium  
AuthorXie Zhiping  
OrganizationShandong University  
Key WordsGeneral Equilibrium; Radner Equilibrium; Sequence Economy; Separated Markets; Competitive Pricing  
AbstractIn the economy of Arrow-Debru(1954), all contracts of trades are assumed to be concentratedly made before the economy’s beginning. Radner (1972) reconstructed it by allowing the contracts to be sequentially made along the economy’s deploy, and this paper will reconstruct it further by allowing agents to make contracts separately. After every market being separated, every submarket can probably have only few agents to compete, so that it makes no sense to assume submarkets being perfectly competitive. This paper will study how agents to price the trades in a sequential and separated market economy via imperfect competition, and it will prove that under some conditions the separated pricing is identical to concentrated pricing and there is partial uniqueness in the equilibrium.  
Serial NumberWP3 
  • Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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