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Call for Papers: The 15th China Youth Economists Forum
Date:2014-11-15       From:Editorial Department of Economic Research Journal

                                      Announcement on the Excellent Paper Award of the 

                                                China Youth Economists Forum (2015)

【Eligibility】Selected papers of the first 14 forums (2001-2014) that were published on academic journals (home and abroad) before the deadline of application and not yet been selected as the Excellent Paper.
【Number of Awards】2-3 papers
【How to apply】Mail contact information, resume, copy of the paper on the published source, relevant information on the paper (such as on which forum was it selected, when and where was is published, quote rate and other academic influence index) in triplicates to the editorial department of the Economic Research Journal (please note down “Application for Award of the Youth Economists Forum” on the envelope). Email the soft copy of the above-mentioned materials to: (subject: Application for Award of the Youth Economists Forum)
【Prize】On the opening ceremony of the 15th China Youth Economists Forum, the certificate of honor and the prize money (RMB 10,000 per awarded paper) will be awarded to the winner of the Excellent Paper Award.
【Mailing Address】 Editorial Department of the Economic Research Journal, 2332,No. 2 Yuetan Bei Xiao Street, Xi Cheng District, Beijing (postcode: 100836)
【Application Deadline】June 1st, 2015 (subject to the postmark of the place of departure)
【Date of Award Notice】July 1st, 2015
【Contact】: Ying LIU | Tel.: (010) 68034153 | Fax: (010) 68034985
                                                                             The Academic Council of China Youth Economists Forum
                                                                                                             November, 2014



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