聚集经济与不经济的异置性对中国经济的影响 阅读全文
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Title | The Effects of Mis-allocationality Economies and Diseconomies of Agglomeration on China Economy
作者 | 范红忠 |
Author | Fan Hongzhong |
作者单位 | 华中科技大学经济学院 |
Organization | School of Economics,Huazhong University of Science and Technology |
作者Email | hongzhong@mail.hust.edu.cn |
中文关键词 | 异置性 聚集经济 聚集不经济 |
Key Words | Mis-allocationality; Agglomeration Economies; Agglomeration Diseconomies |
内容提要 | 现有经济理论关于聚集经济与不经济同置性假设只有在理想市场条件下才能成立。在我国现实市场,由于存在大量待就业劳动力,普通劳动力工资谈判能力很弱,使得大城市厂商在获取了聚集经济产生收益的同时,却未承担聚集不经济带来的成本,而工人承担了聚集不经济带来的成本,却未享受到聚集经济产生的收益,聚集经济与不经济在厂商和工人之间的配置发生了错位。通过构建资本和人口流动模型研究发现,这种聚集经济与不经济的异置性导致房价和聚集不经济调节资本和人口流动方向的市场功能严重失灵,进而造成我国收入差距过大、房价过高、劳动收入占比下降、内外经济失衡、农民工难以市民化等许多宏观经济问题。 |
Abstract | The assumption of homo-allocation of economies and diseconomies of agglomeration is reasonable only in perfect market. In China’s real market, the firms in large cities get the benefits of agglomeration economies, but don’t pay for the costs of agglomeration diseconomies, which are suffered by the workers who don’t get the agglomeration economies. This mis-allocationality causes market failure and macro-problems of China economy such as income gap, high price of house, low ratio labor income in GDP, intra and inter economic dis-balance. |
文章编号 | WP150 |
登载时间 | 2011-11-01 |